Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More nursery

Forgive the pictures lately. I dropped my camera when I was home for the last baby shower and the photo quality has not been quite the same ever since. Bummer!

Here is the bumper pad I bought from Target. I returned the other one I had bought which was striped on one side and polka dots on the other. Too busy. AND this one is breathable! :) It's called a breathable bumper pad and it feels/looks like shiny mesh kind of. I like that it's a good dark brown and gives some contrast to the busy-ness of the sheets and the white of the crib.

Here's the window valances I bought online from Target. They aren't meant to match the bedding, but I really like them. The brown is actually kind of corduroy-ish and then the stripes are brown, whitish, and green.

See the 2 circles on the window sill? That's my hand and Ryan's hand from Kindergarten! I'm planning on doing something with them. We found his last time we were home and then I dug mine out of a box. Kind of fun!

So, nursery is about done. I'm taking the polka dots down off the wall and have a letter idea in mind and I'm waiting to hear back from someone to make them. :) I really want the big picture to be complete by the time baby comes!

1 comment:

  1. is that me? Because I told you I loved them!!! Didn't I email you? Maybe I meet you for a craft project weekend for your nursery next weekend?
