Thursday, December 10, 2009

Big man

I swear that Conley grew overnight last night while we slept. His cheeks are bigger today, I just know it. Might be due to the 26 oz of milk he ate yesterday? Yes. We have a little big man on our hands.

He is SUCH a good boy. I know that I am super lucky to have such a content guy-- he knows just how to show us he's hungry and otherwise he only cries if has a big burp to get out for the most part. The dog can bark like crazy and the TV can be on and we can vacuum and he just sleeps right through it (he obviously heard the dog barking enough while he was inside me!). I can set him in the boppy or the bouncy chair or lay him in the pack n play and he will usually just hang out with his eyes wide open looking around while I'm able to do a few dishes or get a load of laundry done. We are truly blessed by his good nature. Last night he only woke up 3 times. He got a bottle, got his diaper changed, and went back to bed. The funniest thing about him is that he is such a noisy little baby, especially when he is hungry or falling asleep. He's been sleeping in his crib since day 1 and the monitor is in our room (his room is right next to our room) and he lays there grunting and growling and purring and carrying on until he falls asleep. He doesn't need anything, he's just noisy. I think it's hilarious and wonder if he'll be as big of a talker as he is a noise-maker. I know that I should appreciate each day of this good baby!!!

So, this has been our first week home alone together and it has gone pretty well. The snow irritates me now that he is here because I wish we could go out somewhere, but instead we're snowbound with freezing temperatures. On one hand I'm glad I don't have to leave the house in this weather, but the other part of me is going a little stir crazy already. Visitors are more than welcome to break up the day!!! We do have an appt on Monday (2 weeks already!) and then a Christmas brunch on Tuesday and we're heading home for Christmas next Friday for a whole week. I can't believe it's Christmas already. In the afternoon when he is awake and we're waiting for Ryan to get home I put on the Christmas music station on our TV and we dance around to the Christmas music. :) He likes that too...for now.

On a side note, I found this deal on someone else's blog and thought I'd share. I just ordered one and know that there are some mama's out there that would appreciate this deal. Go to this site , put one in your shopping cart, then enter the code PLANNING. It ends up being free and all you have to pay is the $8.95 or so for shipping. Cute ones too! Enjoy.

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