Following suit with my 1st and 2nd trimester's the final one!
1. A brief love affair with mac and cheese.... mmmmm!
2. Increased irritability
3. Good sleep through about week 37 or 38 then I spent about half my nights on the couch.
4. Swollen feet and hands starting around the last month
5. Most memorable craving= orange juice
6. Regular breakfast of PB and honey toast
7. Getting up for the bathroom 2-5 times per night
8. Wishing I could wear jeans but never finding any tall enough maternity ones
9. Overall really comfortable with very few complaints
10. Nesting--especially with the nursery! Happy with the result
11. Change in my vision...not sure if this happened earlier and I never noticed?
12. Not overly emotional (don't ask Ryan)
13. Excited and nervous about baby's arrival
14. Sore feet
15. Not as tired as first trimester--bedtime around 9 to 10
16. Low blood pressure
17. Never looked at the number on the scale at doctor appointments
18. Amazing at not buying clothes for the baby yet. I've been in all the cutest stores and haven't bought a thing! We have PLENTY of clothes for now!
19. Ready to wear normal clothes again
20. But overall really enjoying the ride :)