Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blog Stalking

I'm done using Christy's blog as my homepage in order to see what my favorite blogs are up to. Nope, I finally took the time to add them to my own blog list. To the left you'll see my updated list of those I read on a day-to-day basis. I'm so excited! :) Haha. PLUS, a few new ones that I've stumbled across from the Unexpectedly Expecting just had TWINS! ;) And of course, I am forever a fan of the Life in Transition blog. Fun, fun!!

Nursery Pics

We have the nursery MOSTLY done. There are a few things to add (valances ordered. bumper pad ordered.) Here's some pics of our progress:

This was my project for today. I have one in our living room that I made with a square punch and it's one of my favorite things. So, I was in the mood to do something crafty and this is the result. Circle punch + glue stick + canvas (+ a few buttons) = wall art! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out in comparison to the crib sheets.

This is the million piece dresser we bought at Ikea a few weeks ago. Nice deep drawers.

This is the "changing table" Ryan made. We saw something similar online and thought it was pretty cool. So, Ryan surprised me with the handy-man side he has kept hidden all these years and made this. He cut notches so it fits right on the crib rails snugly, but then it can be removed in between. It's a good height since we're both tall and then we padded it with a normal changing table pad with the straps. I like.

See the polka dots on the wall? That one wall has large and small dots/circles in orange, brown, green, and yellow. I'd show you a full picture if I was set on it, but now I'm having doubts. We'll see if they stay up or if I change my mind. They're the great sticker ones and I cut some of them to layer up like the bedding. The rocker was free from a friend and the fabulous basket of blocks was a present from my mom. Very cute!

Cute li'l " sleeping" hanging from my neice and nephew for my shower... I want a small stand for it so I can keep it on the dresser instead of hanging it on the wall. The light is from a garage sale from my sister. :)

Large rubber ducky bath was filled with tons of baby stuff from Steph, Michelle, and Kirsten at my shower. For now I'm using it to hold baby's stuffed animals (some of which are mine from when I was little). Now...if only I could keep Tytan away from them. :)

That's that! Now all we need is a baby right? RIiiiight.... :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

30 days (or so...)

Yesterday I had my last 2 week appointment. Now I'm down to weekly ones til baby comes!

I am not dilated at all. Not surprised. THis baby is way too comfortable in there to be coming early. I know he'll be late. I'm prepared for that and am ok with that for now. haha.

The other thing at my appt was that I got my H1N1 vaccine. My doctor basically said I had to get it, though she did say she wouldn't hold me down and make me if I didn't want it. Ryan was more opposed to it, but based on the fact that the doctor was telling me (along with all of the hype about pregnant women being most at risk), I got it. The doctor said there is up to a 30% death rate for pregnant women, so I went with it. What a controversy.

This weekend Ryan went to visit a college friend in Shawano and I'm home nesting and scrapbooking. I'm enjoying a weekend to myself and know that there won't be all that many more of those. :) I actually went to bed at 7:30 last night (thought Tytan gave me lots of mommy practice by getting me up TWICE in the middle of the night to go out side. SERIOUSLY?!). Looks like it will be a nice weekend!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where we are

-5 weeks away from a baby
-baby's clothes are all washed and in his drawers
-nursery is assembled with a few minor things to do
-finished baby class #2 or 5
-surivived the birth video
-lots to figure out for work before I go
-more pregnancy scrapbook pages to complete, but feeling so good about it!
-bought a diaper bag this past weekend
-trying to figure out what to do with the dog when I go into labor
-wanting to do some more major nesting (at home AND at work!)
-trying not to think or worry about this H1N1 stuff
-terribly nervous and distressed about the actually labor and delivery
-contemplating what to have baby wear home
-sleeping well again (knock on wood)
-not particularly hungry most of the time
-with incredibly sore feet--that's my only major pain
-enjoying some super cute new baby and parenting blogs I stumbled across from the bump
-realizing that there will be THREE Abbott babies born in November. Ryan also has a cousin due 4 days before us and his brother is due the first week of November.
-trying to finalize plans for my maternity leave and the details there
-needing to return the bumper pad I bought and order one online
-surreal to think that we'll actually have a baby in 5 (or 6?) weeks

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Final Shower

We had our final shower this past weekend at my mom's. My sister and sister-in-law were the hostesses. It turned out great--aunts from both sides, family friends, and a few girlfriends. Brenda took LOTS of pictures and here are a few:

Now? We're pretty much SET for this baby! There are very few things we have left to buy. I even came home and did his first load of laundry Sunday night. His sheets and blankets are all watched and his crib is all set. Crazy, crazy!

Thanks for the shower sister. :)

Surprise Shower

Last Tuesday my co-workers threw me and a fellow pregnant co-worker a surprise baby shower at the office. It was a total surprise which was fun. I knew that we normally do baby showers for people, but the fact that it was that day was surprising, so the fact that I had NO idea made it extra cool. I kind of ruined the surprise by walking in to the "meeting" about 10 minutes early, but it just meant I was surprised 10 minutes early....right?

Here's all the awesome stuff my amazing co-workers gave us (since I have no pictures from the actual shower.

Baby 101

Ryan and I started baby classes yesterday. We signed up thinking it was one 2-hr class. Turns out we signed up for 5 weeks of class. 5 weeks of class. Yikes! That means that we will be spending 5 of our last 6 to 7 Mondays at United learning about birth preparation. Fun, fun! Don't be jealous.

Last night actually wasn't THAT bad. Ryan complained about it, of course, but I think he secretly agreed that it wasn't as boring or horrible as we both imagined it would be.

Next week? The birthing video. I think I might be sick that day. ;)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sunshine Day

Yay--the sun is back! No real complaints here. I don't like the rain, but I was SOOOOO incredibly ready for fall, so I'm actually totally fine with the cold. No more sweating (well, almost). :)

I had a surprise work shower yesterday. I didn't get any pictures since it was a surprise, but I did take a picture of all the great stuff they got us. Another one for the baby book!

This weekend is my last shower, and it is at my mom's. Excited to see some friends and family and the rest of the weekend should be great too.

On the homefront--I'm turning into quite the domestic goddess. Haha, well that's what I like to tell Ryan I am. With Ryan working days it means we actually have dinner together most nights. So, I'm talking to my mom on the phone every day planning out what I'm going to make and how. So far so good. The house is staying pretty clean too, especially after our power weekend of home projects.

As I'm morphing into domestic goddess, Ryan is turning into quite the handy-man. Who knew?! He made me one of THESE this weekend (ok, let's be honest. It's for the baby, but....) it turned out really good (it's a changing table to sit on top of the crib and to be moved when not in use). I just need to paint his and then I'll post pics. He also changed around light fixtures for me and did a bunch of other stuff. Now that i know he has these skills....oh boy. What fun I can have! Next up: a toy box/bench that Tytan can sit on when looking out the window in the living room but will double as a toy box. Yay for husband!

Baby is moving like crazy, like usual! Ryan gets to feel him all the time and it continues to amaze both of us. We think we experienced hiccups last night for the first time. How weird! Also, we are all signed up for our one and only parenting class and hospital tour. 6 1/2 weeks to go!

So, I should probably get to work here, but thought I'd do a quick update since it's been awhile. Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My First Shower

Ryan's cousin Rachel threw a joint shower with their side of the family this past Sunday. It was for both me and Ryan and Ben and Jackie. Very fun! Ryan's Grandma Dixie is up from Texas this week and we haven't seen her since our wedding 3 years ago, so it was a good opportunity for lots of family pictures as well.

Here's a few:

OH they yummy cupcakes. Oh how I want one right now. Ben and Jackie are having a girl (hence the pink and blue).

Me and Ryan

The boys with their respective colors. Ben's bib says "I'm not a boy" and Ryan's says "Boys are better". I don't think this battle of the sexes will ever be over.

The ultimate baby shower game with the candy bars. So funny! I think it's safe to say this was the first time playing for the guys of the group. (I won!) :)

Me and Jackie. Rachel cut out the super cute BABY letters. Wow we're big. Thanks for the photo opp Rach. ;)

Bryce, Ginger, Avayda, and Grandma Dixie-- this is great-grandchild #2

The Ab Fam

Dixie with all her grandchildren (-4) and her 2 great-grandchildren

It was a really fun day and we got lots of good baby stuff. Very exciting!!! My sister and mom are having a shower for me in a couple of weeks. After that we should know what we have and don't have and should definitely be pretty prepared!