Tuesday, July 28, 2009


My mom, sister, and aunt all came up Friday to Saturay which resulted in some SHOPPING! We hit up IKEA, Mall of America, and some garage sales. I got lots of new outfits for baby at the garage sales and am feeling a little bit better about having SOME STUFF! Then, at my OCD sister's suggestion, I bought 4 bins and they will be labeled 0-3, 3-6, etc. etc. so clothes are already divided. She has her moments. ;)

AND the most exciting part is that we registered on Sunday!!! VERY EXCITING! There has started to be talk about 2 showers being in September/October, so I figured we would at least register for some of the stuff we were sure about. Just Target so far, but it was fun and crazy all at the same time. The bummer about Target is that some of the stuff I want (like BEDDING!) is only online. How dumb is that? Anyway, it's exciting to think about and plan ahead.

Now, it's only about 18 days til we move. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I am SO not ready to move and hate the thought of it, but at the same time I am ready for this baby to have a bedroom and to get settled and everything. According to the ticker above, we'll have 100 days at the new house to get ready and then it will be baby time. :) ha.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mover and a shaker

That's what we have on our hands! Ryan got to feel the baby move yesterday when he got home from. I had texted him while he was at work saying that the baby was moving so much that I thought Ryan might be able to feel him now...sure enough, he started moving when Ryan got home from work at midnight. Pretty exciting now that we can both feel him in there!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Witcraft Reunion 09

Well, we camped all weekend, despite there being NO SUN. That's ok though. It was a toss up, but I would almost take the colder weather as long as we didn't have bugs. Oh how I hate bugs.

I've been to every reunion since 2000. This is Ryan's family, so my first one was when we started dating back then. This, however, is the first weekend I've camped the whole time without ever going to my parents' to rest up or shower. I feel like quite the pro after 9 years! This reunion is a pretty big deal. I believe this was Year 45 overall. That's quite the tradition.

Ryan has been to the reunion every year of his life. It is seriously his disney land. LOVES it. It's his favorite time of year. I don't know QUITE why exactly, but he's definitely a camper.

Ryan's cousin and wife brought their 4 1/2 month old baby girl. She's a beauty and this was her 2ND CAMPING EXPERIENCE of the year (and her life!). It's just crazy to think that next year we'll have an 8 month old at reunion. Crazy, crazy.

Here's some pics:

Ryan and his hat. This isn't a costume, it's an official camping uniform folks. That hat means he's the boss. :)

The Ab-Fam minus Keagan plus the two additions, me and Jackie, with our bellies. She's due a couple of weeks before me.

Pregnant Abbott Girls :) She's got a girl. I have a boy. It's quite the conflict between Ryan and his brother. His brother is NOT happy. haha.

My first baby. Boy was he clingy this weekend. Pretty good overall though. What can we say...Tytan loves his mom and dad. :)

Just one of our campfire delicassies. We had pudgie pies galore and Ryan even made a frozen pizza over the campfire. Who knew how endless the possibilities of campfire cooking were?! Yum!

So, it was probably my favorite reunion to date despite the weather. I'm hoping to sneak in another camping trip before the fall comes. We'll see!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

TGI early F

Today was technically my Friday. I spontaneously decided to take PTO tomorrow since I was planning on heading out of the town early afternoon otherwise. This weekend is RYan's annual family camping reunion. It's his favorite time of year, I swear. He headed out yesterday, but I'm trying to save a little PTO for baby. So, Tytan and I are leaving in the morning (after a joyous morning of hopefully sleeping in with no pager or phone going off!!!). We'll camp Friday and Saturday and have a pretty relaxing weekend. Hope it's a nice weekend for some sunshine (but not TOO much sunshine!).

I've been feeling really good lately. Still try to sneak in naps when I can, but not nearly as exhausted as before! My belly, as you can see in the pics below, is growing. Thanks to Christy I have an amazing new maternity wardrobe which I am SUPER stoked about! (LOVE YOU CHRISTY!)

So, I feel like things are about to really start moving. Speaking of, we're moving in 1 month. Ugh. I dread the thought like you can't believe. Maybe nesting will sink in and I'll be super motivated? First of all, I don't want to move period. 2nd of all, the thought of actually doing the packing and unpacking is horrid. Ew. I know that once we get there it will be fine and it will be kind of fun to get set up (and get baby's room together!). Until then, there's just dread.

Happy Weekend!

Breakfast deliciousness

Yes. I'm blogging about breakfast.

Exhibit A: PB and banana waffles (with syrup). Darn little boy in the waffle commercial yesterday had something similar and I thought it was genious. It was.

Have a good day! :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Week 5

Week 20

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's a.......

B O Y!

Holy moly--was I surprised! So much for being positive it was a girl. Geesh! I could hardly believe it, but it's true. We are 100% having a boy according to the ultrasound tech. We have lots of pictures, just none to prove he's a boy. We really did see it on the screen! Just ask Ryan (the happiest guy on earth right now!).

So, the little man is currently 1 lb with a heart rate of 133. Squirmy, squirmy according to the doctor who listened to the heart beat today and the tech for the u/s.

I started feeling him ( HIM!?!!!!) move last Thursday. At first I didn't say anything, but then I started feeling the same type of feeling a few days in a row and it has to be the baby.

Things are so exciting now! It really feels more real! On top of that, things will be moving faster now since they think the due date is more like November 15th, not the 24th. I like that date better, but I also heard today that first time moms should tack on 10 days to their due date, which puts me right smack back to the original date of the 24th.

So now, after I stint at Archivers to pick up boy stuff, I'm at Christy's for the weekend to work on my pregnancy scrapbook (and to get pedis!). Should be a great weekend!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Another Monday. Friday is never far away. Have I mentioned how the weeks fly by? Jeepers.

So, the especially good thing about THIS Friday is that we get to find out if baby is a boy or girl. Looks like most of you agree with me that it's a girl. :) It's funny though, because I am SUPER convinced that it's a girl and will seriously fall over if it isn't; however, I had originally been hoping for a boy. So, I don't think that I dreamed up this idea about it being a girl. It really is one. Pretty sure. Luckily, Ryan will have another 20 weeks to prepare himself for this fact come Friday. ha. I think I'll try to go away for the weekend.

This past weekend we headed back to LaX. We had a grad party for our friend Jeff who graduated from med school and then spent a lot of time with my fam. Brenda and Corey and the kiddos came down so we did food, fireworks, and the whole nine yards. Sunday Ryan got his grandma's pontoon boat and we took the fam out on the Mississipp. Pictures to come when I feel like getting them off my camera.

Weekends are great, but they are SOOOO tiring. I absolutely dread the drive (ride) back to MN after being in LaX for the weekend. Sundays are made for napping....not driving. Ew.

New update pic of belly yesterday too. People are starting to notice. One person who didn't know i was pregnant asked if I was, so lucky her that she was right! I'm half way there! 20 weeks!